29/11/2019 •
Young or old, living in isolation or surrounded by loved ones; everyone can feel lonely or alone at some time in their life. In the exhibition Solo&Happy?!, photographers Sanne Gielens and Naomi Harris, podcast maker Lotte van Gaalen and artist Minsook Kang portray a range of different people from in and outside The Hague, all of whom are alone and/or lonely – either because they have chosen to be, because of their circumstances, or simply because that’s how life turned out. The exhibition will be open all evening during Hoogtij.
On November 29 we will show the widely acclaimed short film Uitzicht in the presence of maker Femme ter Haar. “People talk about loneliness as if it were something that only concerns others. But we should all realise and accept that none of us is immune to these feelings. I hope that the film opens a door and raises questions with the viewers: am I perhaps lonely, and why is that?” These are the words of Femme, who graduated from HKU University of the Arts Utrecht in summer 2018 with her animated documentary. This film examines, questions and portrays the term loneliness in a very unique way and from a broad range of perspectives. During Hoogtij we will show the 13-minute film several times and Mirjam Zweers will have an interview with Femme.