Satellietlocatie: Seelab

05/03/2021 •
I'm Not Where I'm Supposed To Be, Biba Cole, Alejandra LC3pez and Daisy Madden-Wells
Artists Biba Cole, Alejandra LC3pez and Daisy Madden-Wells let you in on a narrative-based show of negligible plot. At See Lab project space they will allow their practices to overlap and seep into each other, both inhabiting, and guiding the viewer through the space via drawing, sculpture, soundtrack and moving image. The central theme of b sneakingb will loom large, exacerbated by the atmosphere of precarity that currently surrounds us.B What it means to sneak, to be a sneak b to be present, absent, or perhaps somewhere in between.B
They ask: when you live and move on the cusp of remonstration, what does it mean to make your way through a space? Is creeping/sneaking/sauntering a choice, or is it foisted upon you by those who would make you unwelcome?B
Am I creeping, or do you just not want me here? Presenting… a wandering path for creeps and saunterers, exploring the uncanniness of proximity; the closer you get, the more nonsensical things become.
Ib m not where Ib m supposed to be.B
Over Satellietlocatie: Seelab
Satellietlocatie: SeelabDuinstraat 552584 AW Den Haag Den Haag NederlandE-mail: Info@seelab.nlUrl: