The Brick Space

  • 24/05/2024 • 26/05/2024

    Remodeling Heterotopia - Topp & Dubio

    With ‘Remodeling Heterotopia’, Topp & Dubio recreate their favorite and as yet inaccessible exhibition space ‘The Brick Space’ (Glasgow) as a movable heterotopia; a place where the distinction between artwork and art space is discussed. New works and models for exhibitions will be tested here for the next three months. Topp & Dubio organize several presentation moments that are open to the public and that explore the concept of ‘exhibition’ in an experimental way. Follow Instagram for the program: @insidethebrickspace | @toppdubio


About The Brick Space

…ism is a project space for artists with ideas for future work in response to the location of a 17th century townhouse and former billiard and game shop.

Westeinde 31a
2512 GS Den Haag

