Das Leben am Haverkamp

  • 08/03/2024 • 09/06/2024

    Diamonds in Diapers - Jose Marie sta. Iglesia

    Diamonds in Diapers, Jose Marie sta. Iglesia, Via mode en borduursels onderzoekt Jose de rol van uiterlijkvertoon in de propaganda van Imelda Marcos.

    photo credit: Jose Marie sta. Iglesia, 2023, model Sergi, photography Anna Theunissen.

About Das Leben am Haverkamp

Das Leben am Haverkamp is a collective formed by Christa van der Meer, Dewi Bekker, Gino Anthonisse and Anouk van Klaveren. Together they speak and discuss the current state of affairs of something we delightfully – but often problematically – call art. In their studio space – a former gallery space – the collective creates a platform for like-minded artists to explore their shared interests: transformation, costumes, daily rituals and alter egos.

Stille Veerkade 19
2512BE Den Haag

