Nest in Laak

  • 06/09/2024 • 06/10/2024

    DRRRUMMERRRRRR - Nikita Gale

    The drums and cymbals in DRRRUMMERRRRRR are placed in such a manner that no single person could play an entire drumkit at the same time. Instead streams and drops of water play the instruments in the work of Nikita Gale. Gale invites you to speculate about a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been wiped out by climate change. What would this world sound like? Like gale suggested: “Any fantasy that humanity may have about its future is circumscribed by the reality of rising sea levels and an increasingly hotter atmosphere.”

    DRRRUMMERRRRRR questions what happens to human-scaled technologies when humans are no longer at its center. What happens when other forces or materials fill the absence of the human and animate these systems in unanticipated ways that far exceed the capacity of a singular human body? Gale uses the sound of streaming water to question how silence, sounds and visibility can be connected to questions about technology and the climate.

About Nest in Laak

Nest is a contemporary art platform with a large exhibition¬ space. Nest is housed in the DCR, a creative incubator, together with over 35 artists and designers and three cultural organisations.Exhibitions at Nest focus on specific themes which are being investigated through the work of local, national and international artists. Nest projects not only look at the artist and his or her work, but also pay attention to the role of artists and artworks within their social and functional context in society.

Verheeskade 321
2121DE Den Haag

