Sis Josip Galerie

  • 24/05/2024 •

    Forbidden for assholes - Sis Josip

    The sixth year of Der Himmel on Earth revolves around assholes who mistreat women and children. Initially, it addresses all religious systems worldwide, as well as all assholes who believe they can get away with it. Normally, I don’t concern myself much with earthly matters, but come on, assholes, behave! Value those four billion women and children worldwide. They are all essential. Additionally, this exhibition explores ideals— the higher your ideals, the deeper you wade into the muck, bringing us back to Dante. Through Hildegard von Bingen, Dante Alighieri, Henoch, The Golden Square, and the Guardian Angels, we’ve arrived at Forbidden for assholes. In the coming period, within Der Himmel on Earth, all cities with more than 20 million inhabitants will be visited under the motto: Where many people gather, life must be worthwhile. With friends, I will explore whether this holds true. Some cities we cannot visit due to war or internal conflicts. Assholes exist everywhere, but this exhibition takes them into account. Everyone is welcome except if you’re an asshole.

About Sis Josip Galerie

Sis Josip GalerieHoogstraat 92513AN Den Haag NederlandPhone: 070 427 40 51Email: info@sisjosip.nlUrl:

Hoogstraat 9
2513AN Den Haag

